Loyal player of the week: This is determined in four steps with a cash reward of Rs. 500 and getting the tag of Loyal player of the week. The player needs to win highest number of Jumbo tournaments; get the top testimonial; play innumerous cash games and free games for the week.
Facebook fan of the week: This is determined by the amount of likes on their posts and page; comment posting; sharing of videos and posts and the ultimate Rs. 500 cash reward to fan with topmost points.
Tweet of the week: This is determined by following them on twitter and checking out for four words to be provided each week which makes sentences and tweet them along with the link for Classic Rummy. The best tweet provided by the player will bag him Rs 500 cash reward.
Facebook happy hours: Happy hours in which free cashback can be won by logging into Facebook and liking Classic Rummy and thereby liking FB happy hours in Favorites tab. For cashback contact Live help.
Pin to win at Pinterest: Pin the best rummy image and win Rs.100. However you need to like them first on Facebook and then go to http://pinterest.com/classicrummy. Thereby you follow them on Pinterest and find and pin a rummy image. Send this to Classic Rummy on Pinterest.
Enjoy the rewards by participating at ClassicRummy.